Thursday, July 14, 2011

Citrus and Pears from the property, all delicious.

Maybe I should find my socks after all....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Seems I'll never get unpacked! Oh well, settling in takes time. I'm not really in a rush but I can't find my socks... I suppose I'll *have* to wear flip flops the rest of the summer.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Digs! I'm so happy to have moved, now the hard part begins...
as I settle in, all kinds of ideas are starting to take shape and I realize how much where I live impacts what I do. I'm now out a little ways in the woods and love the peace and quiet. I'll be working this summer on getting the barn into shape to be used as a studio... in the meantime, the books had taken over. Had to address them asap. It was like seeing old friends - some of these books had been packed along with quite a few of my other things, for a few years. For now they are housed in temporary shelving I made from found wood on the property.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Some new work, just finished...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I haven't posted in awhile, but have finally got some new drawings started. Going in a bit of a different direction which is kind of exciting. I'm also working on a big project for a dance show that is going to keep me very busy - a stop motion drawing video to be projected during one of the dances in the Spring show at Florida School of the Arts ( I'm so excited about it - and nervous - never done anything that large). And finally the faculty show at the Thrasher Center for the Arts in Orange Park in June. I'm planning to complete some paintings I started a while back and working on an installation for that space (it's big). Woo-hoo lots going on. Talk back to me.